We are going to use an example IMDV entry that shows the below map. To explore this example import the https://ramadda.org/repository/a/userguide_boulder_county_outdoors file.
Adding a Map
The IMDV supports adding a number of map file formats - GeoJson, GPX, KML/KMZ and Shapefile. To add a map file to an IMDV entry first upload the file to RAMADDA. The IMDV entry can act as a folder so you can upload the file under the IMDV or elsewhere in your RAMADDA.

From the IMDV New menu, select "Map File". The Map Entry selector will be shown: Navigate through your RAMADDA entry hierarchy and select the map file. You can also drag-and-drop the map file directly onto the IMDV map. Note: by storing the map file as a child entry of the IMDV entry then you can export the IMDV entry and the map file will be included in the export.
Once added the IMDV will zoom to the map area. If there are properties defined in your map file then a Filters area will shown. These allow you to toggle on/off the map features.

We're going to go through the set of steps to create the below map display. The configuration includes:
  • Configuring the popup display
  • Changing the label of the "Own Type Name" to "Ownership"
  • Only showing the Acreage and Ownership filters
  • Add a "Closed" Style Group
  • Color coding based on Ownership type
  • Adding a label to the top of the legend
  • Adding a color bar header
Popup Text
The Properties dialog for the map file can be brought up with the link.

The Popup Text can contain arbitrary HTML as well as macros corresponding to the properties in the map file. Note: the source names of the source properties are cleaned up and lower-cased to get the property IDs used in these settings.

For example, the below image shows the Popup Text that creates the displayed popup. The "prop_name" property is used as a header and the ownership, acquired year and acreage properties are shown.
Feature Flags
The Feature Flags section allows you to configure the labels used for the map properties, what search properties are shown, etc. Clicking on one of the links under "Add Property" will add that flag to the list.

The below Flags changes the label of the own_type_name to "Ownership". The filter.show=false flag hides all filters but the <property>.filter.show=true flags causes those two filters to be shown.
The IMDV guesses as to what type of data is a property and provides an appropriate search widget. If you want to force the search widget to be a different type you can enter:
Map Styles
The Style section of the settings dialog lets you specify the standard set of map styles, e.g., stroke color, stroke width, fill color, etc. In our example we've changed the Stroke Color to be gray and the Stroke Width to be 1.

The Style Rules section allows you to specify how to style each individual feature based on the feature properties.
With Fill Colors checked the map polygons will be colored with a set of categorical colors. The Map value to fill color and Map value to stroke color allows you to specify a property that is mapped into a colortable. If it is a numeric property then you can also specify a min/max range.

The Style Rules allows you to specify specific property value tests mapped to a set of styles. In our example we color any feature with Ownership="County Conservation Easement" with green and Ownership="County Owned Open Space" with blue. Mouse over the styles to see the format, e.g.:

The Style Groups section allows you to specify one or more groups and the corresponding styles for those groups. This enables you to "paint" specific polygons in the map. These groups will show up in the legend. Selecting a group in the legend and then selecting a polygon in the map will add that polygon to the group.

In our example we've defined a style group called "Closed" with fill color red and diagonal striping.
The Labels section allows you to specify a template (similar to the popup text) for a label for each polygon.
Other Configuration
The top-level properties for the IMDV entry are available through the File->Properties menu item.

The color legend bar at the top of the map is defined with the Header under the Header/Footer tab. This can be arbitrary wiki text. In this case we are using the display_legend wiki tag.
The "Explore the trails map with the below filters" top-level legend label and the legend width are defined in the Other Properties section.